Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Favourite Marketing/Advertising Campaigns Facebook Group

My Facebook Group:
All things Marketing and Advertising. Check it out and I welcome you to join. :)

Choose your own adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure
Remember those books? They were a BIG deal in my day.
Anyways, check this out. Choose Your Own Adventure in video:
I came across this a while ago. Perhaps this concept can be used to give an audience an interactive way to experience a brand. It'll sure keep an audience engaged. Also, it brings people in my generation back to the Choose your Own Adventure book series.

A few months later..Dove came out with their Waking Up Hannah campaign: How do you think Dove did in using it to provide an interactive brand experience?

My current reads

Seducing the Boys Club
Nina DiSesa
- It's NOT the typical and annoying "RA RA GOOoOoOOOooOO Women!"/Girl Power book. No whining and complaining, and NO the "seducing" part of the title is not to be taken literally. This book is amazing and I am relating to it SO SO much.

Hot Button Marketing
Barry Feig
- Great consumer behavior book. It provides great insight on how to tap in to the human psyche and apply it to communicating a brand message.

They are both so far so great! I highly recommend them.

Nintendo Wii capturing multiple markets

We've got Wii Fit with games that enable you to play tennis, bowl, box, and even have your yoga session in the comfort of your own home.

Wii Music in which you have the ability to play over 600 instruments.I guess they've caught on with their success of Guitar Hero and Rock Band!

Games like Animal Crossing in which you pretty much live a virtual life. You can spend your day shopping, fishing, or hanging out with your friends and family. (The commercial for this game targets women. Shopping...ha...of course I guess?)

Athletes/the fit
Music lovers and musicians
Women who like to indulge and shop
Those that like the classic Nintendo games (Mario series)
......They've got us all...or are trying hard to at least.

Pepsi's New Logo

New Pepsi Logo.
So....What do you think?

I think it suits Pepsi's brand positioning.
You know: The YOUNG Cola, Hip, Young, Constantly emerged in Pop Culture, Shiny n' New, Trendy.

Coca Cola is the brand of cola that engages you by bringing out warm, fuzzy, nostalgic feelings that make you want to cuddle with your loved ones by the fire place and reminisce about milestones in your life. The red and curvy font = Old school, and classic. Speaking of Coca Cola...where are those Christmas commercials???! I count on those this time of the year to make me feel all tingly.

Clean, and slick designs, with straight smooth lines = a futuristic feel.
I think this does it...and works well Pepsi. However, it IS difficult to judge the success of a logo....especially when it's just an image of one. I'm excited to see it in action in the launch campaign. Let's see how it does. Don't let me down, Pepsi!!!